Monday, October 26, 2015

social media detox

i think i need to do "social media detox" by stop using my personal social media thingy starting tomorrow. for a week, at least.

so i can focus with my own day to day life without comparing to others. 

i'm tired with my autopilot mind that keep compare my life with my circle's when open a social media apps. it's like my life seems low-standart compare to my friends who travel from one destination to another, eating tasty foods, buying a new stuff, and bla bla bla...

it's irritating, need to refresh my mind so it can see my friends status updates from different positive angle. not a jealousy but as a motivation, inspiration, and a thankfulness

social media detox hopefully will bring me to be grateful with everything i have. coz it already owesome and no need to complain

it's super fun traveling with your family rather than your bos, right?
it's a blessing to spend the weekend just cuddling and lying on bed with hubby n baby rather than having a weekend business trip, right? 
it's good to have a sunny side up - egg for breakfast with family rather than having a fancy breakfast with your -oh my god so annoying bos- right?
it's a happy inside out to travelling with your own money so nobody's has a right to screw your holiday, rather than travelling for free but your boss keep his eye on you, right?

so, focus with my own life and surrounded by family the key of happiness

good night, sorry for the rubbish posting.

i just need to write it down 😅

Thursday, October 22, 2015



Hal tersulit dari sebuah pencapaian adalaaaaahhh... MEMULAINYA!

Sudah lewat tengah semester, tapi saya belum tahu apa yang mau saya tulis. Satu kata pun belum keluar. Padahal niat sudah sekuat baja, tapi kenapa memulainya sungguh susah?

Malah berakhir dengan tulisan pendek di blog yang sudah mulai banyak sarang laba-labanya karena jarang disambangi ini. Setiap buka internet, justru asyik melototin Group On, e-bay, sosial media, atau jalan-jalan ke blog orang.

Mudah-mudahan ketika kalimat pertama sudah berhasil ditorehkan, selanjutnya akan lancar bak mata air pegunungan, dan bisa selesai dengan cepat, tepat dan bagus.


Wish me luck!
*ngelirik gendhis yang baru aja bobo*
kenapa dia sekarang makin susah bobo cepet ya?